Management of a portfolio of entrusted debt collection cases is essential on the way to recovery of the outstanding balances. A collection agency with a high-quality approach to the control of the portfolio management in any country worldwide can be considered as a reliable partner to the company that has accounts payable.
Our team of qualified lawyers perform debt portfolio management services through strategic planning, choice of methods and instruments of collection and claims control. The purpose of the collection process is to achieve the highest number of successfully recovered cases and to collect the largest outstanding amount from the available debt portfolio.
Is debt portfolio management in Russia different from other countries?
Of course, the debt portfolio management differs from country to country. Russia is not an exception. We take into account all local specifics in Russia while handling recovery cases for our valued international clients. Our collections team knows the country's economy trends, GDP growth and other macroeconomic metrics. This also helps to conduct effective negotiations with the business owner's and to collect more than in any other CIS country.
It also should be noted that digitalization and unification of state services considerably simplifies the process for information monitoring concerning the Russian companies than it was a year before. Our team has access to specific databases which lead to more precise information while collecting international commercial debt collection projects. We establish all participants and related parties. Such approach helps us to manage debt portfolios using all available tools in negotiations to perform success to creditors.
Experienced lawyers for negotiations
CIS DRS has more than 10 (ten) years' experience in debt portfolio management and collection of international commercial debts in Russia as well as in other CIS countries. We managed to conduct effective negotiations with more than 8000 business owners and we know how to reach them effectively for our clients.
Our team performs international debt portfolio management, case recovery, informational research, credit reports and reporting to clients. We provide our services and have our agents in each region of the country that allows CIS DRS to make site-visits and conduct deep investigations concerning companies and asset tracing.
Serving Clients in RUSSIA for more than two decades
analysis of trade documents in default
credit check of the debtor's company
strategy for peaceful settlement
drafting official demand letters
phone negotiations with debtor
personal negotiations with debtor
drafting restructuring plan
control of installment payment
portfolio analysis
control of payment terms
timely reminders
soft communication with clients
advisory regarding billing cycles
reminders via emails
receivables control
legal review of trade documents
translation of the documents
drafting a Power of Attorney
making a strategy of litigation
drafting and filing law-suit
application for assets seizure
participation in court hearings
obtaining judgment for client
legal review of arbitration clause
translation of necessary documents
drafting a Power of Attorney
making a strategy for arbitration
drafting and filing law-suit with IAC
application for assets seizure
participation in arbitration hearings
obtaining arbitral award for client
analysis of judgment or arbitral award
making a strategy of enforcement
drafting application for enforcement to local court
participation in court's hearings
obtaining writ of enforcement
filing the writ to Bailiff's Service
control of execution work
filing creditors claims
representing clients in creditors committee meetings
bankruptcy process monitoring
liquidators communication
regular reporting to client
assets recovery
No Recovery-No Fee.
Verifying Debtor's Address
Checking Debtors' Status in Database
Brief Report to Client
Case Strategy Design
Confirmation Receipt
Claims Automation System
Case Processing Starts Immediately
Our lawyers do their best to collect your credits
Get Proposal
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client
CLOSE the File
Whether Debtor Responds Positively (if yes)
Send In-house Demand Notice
Whether Disputes (if yes)
Get Proposal from Debtor
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client (if approved)
Suggest Court Case If Worth (if no)
Whether Responds Negatively (if no)
Convince for Amicable Settlement
Get Proposal
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client (if approved)
Whether Disputes (if no)
You always receive reports regarding our efforts in time
Current Status of Each Case
Collection Efforts Our Lawyers Have Already Done
What Should Be Done Further
Expected Outcome Or Suggestion
Just fill in the form and we will revert to you ASAP
1 Ropemaker str, London, EC2Y 9HT United Kingdom
Kirschenallee 20, Berlin, 14050 Germany
We work 24/7/365, but please contact us Monday to Friday, 9 AM - 6 PM (GMT).