Don't your clients pay bills? Do you suffer material losses from your counterparty? Are you having issues with unpaid German accounts, and are you risking your business and don't know how to solve your debt problems? Having extensive practice and skills in negotiations with debtors, we know how to achieve business debt recovery out-of-court in Germany.
Our lawyers have outstanding experience in
collecting debt from a business, know how the German market works and have the legal power to go to court. They know how to find information about your counterparty and how to build the most efficient strategy of negotiations.
In our agency, the first place is the individual approach to the client, the use of the intelligent, moral, and responsible approach. Our
commercial collection agency focuses on early and late debt collections and the conditions of their recovery.
One of our core values is customer understanding and service quality. We can resolve the most outstanding debt issues and return your money within the shortest time. As soon as we take care of your case, your debtors will make the first payment. Our regular and satisfied clients with our work are proof of our professionalism and responsible approach to solving problems with your debts.