Special characteristics of the B2B debt collection in Germany
B2B debt recovery has its own characteristics, which you need to consider when preparing the case for commercial debt recovery. Every collector needs to know those kinds of things such as access to the information about the debtor's finances, structure of the debtor's company and other important points.
As a rule all the LLC's in Germany have to register with the Commercial Register where they are domiciled. It is pretty helpful to have a check of the statutory capital and to check the status of the debtor's company, which is very important in collecting debt from a business.
First-look information concerning the debtor can be gained of its structure. Sole Proprietorships have full liability for the debts. In Civil Law Partnerships the liability of the partner is unlimited. LLC's is a well-spread form of the businesses (minimum statutory capital should be EUR 25,000 and shareholder's liability bound to their share). JSC's (Joint-Stock Companies) are one of the most popular legal structures for large businesses (minimum statutory capital of EUR 50,000, liability bound to the capital).
Investors from abroad relatively rarely use such forms as partnerships, trusts, cooperative companies and business associations. Additionally, it's necessary to note that foreign companies may set up a registered commercial branch office or representative office.
Receiving money from the German company is a relatively easy issue. DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) is 30 days on average. It is because of the good consciousness of the German partners, as they would like to keep their credit history as clean as possible.
B2B debt collection process in Germany
In this regard, a B2B debt collection agency can consider all the mentioned above information (and others, as a phone number which is better to contact) and get back credit for their clients. Professionalism, achievements and peculiarities of their corporate debt collection services are the characteristics, which you need to consider when you are choosing a commercial collection agency to help yourself in receiving the payment from the debtor.
CIS DRS already helps companies to have their bill paid for more than 10 years. During all this time we have achieved a place among 100 of the best debt collection agencies in the world. It is all due to our "excellent client service" approach, financial results and personal connections in many countries with the local partners, who can help you to find solutions for the debt recovery all over the world.
We are sure that you will enjoy our cooperation, and we will be happy to increase your income and to save what you earned.
Please fill in the form below to get contacted and submit your debt recovery request.
Serving Clients in GERMANY for more than two decades
analysis of trade documents in default
credit check of the debtor's company
strategy for peaceful settlement
drafting official demand letters
phone negotiations with debtor
personal negotiations with debtor
drafting restructuring plan
control of installment payment
portfolio analysis
control of payment terms
timely reminders
soft communication with clients
advisory regarding billing cycles
reminders via emails
receivables control
legal review of trade documents
translation of the documents
drafting a Power of Attorney
making a strategy of litigation
drafting and filing law-suit
application for assets seizure
participation in court hearings
obtaining judgment for client
legal review of arbitration clause
translation of necessary documents
drafting a Power of Attorney
making a strategy for arbitration
drafting and filing law-suit with IAC
application for assets seizure
participation in arbitration hearings
obtaining arbitral award for client
analysis of judgment or arbitral award
making a strategy of enforcement
drafting application for enforcement to local court
participation in court's hearings
obtaining writ of enforcement
filing the writ to Bailiff's Service
control of execution work
filing creditors claims
representing clients in creditors committee meetings
bankruptcy process monitoring
liquidators communication
regular reporting to client
assets recovery
No Recovery-No Fee.
Verifying Debtor's Address
Checking Debtors' Status in Database
Brief Report to Client
Case Strategy Design
Confirmation Receipt
Claims Automation System
Case Processing Starts Immediately
Our lawyers do their best to collect your credits
Get Proposal
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client
CLOSE the File
Whether Debtor Responds Positively (if yes)
Send In-house Demand Notice
Whether Disputes (if yes)
Get Proposal from Debtor
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client (if approved)
Suggest Court Case If Worth (if no)
Whether Responds Negatively (if no)
Convince for Amicable Settlement
Get Proposal
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client (if approved)
Whether Disputes (if no)
You always receive reports regarding our efforts in time
Current Status of Each Case
Collection Efforts Our Lawyers Have Already Done
What Should Be Done Further
Expected Outcome Or Suggestion
Just fill in the form and we will revert to you ASAP
1 Ropemaker str, London, EC2Y 9HT United Kingdom
Kirschenallee 20, Berlin, 14050 Germany
We work 24/7/365, but please contact us Monday to Friday, 9 AM - 6 PM (GMT).