It should be mentioned that commercial debt collection is really complicated. Moreover, it is more difficult in B2B. Additionally, we need to emphasize that the corresponding process becomes more severe when we talk about some countries from Oceania and New Zealand particularly.
Despite the fact that New Zealand is a small island state, it has close trade relations with Australia, European Union, USA, China, South Korea, Japan and Canada. The nationwide service sector occupies almost 2/3 of the economy, large production items are the manufacture of goods from aluminum and other metals, food processing, production of wood and paper products. As we may see the outbound potential of the country is at a high level as well as import.
Thus, considering the provided information, we can say that this activity can cause some risks for suppliers who entered into trade relations with their counterparties from New Zealand. Actually, this is due to the fact that many enterprises in this country cannot withstand competition against the background of an actively developing and constantly growing economy. As a result, we have already had some practical cases, where the debtors' companies have been registered in New Zealand.
In this regard, which services can offer you CIS DRS according to the debt collection?
Please, note that CIS Debt Recovery Solutions is an international law company, which provides its services in the B2B area worldwide. Specifically, our agency can offer you our core services in the corresponding fields as follows: debt collection; debt management; litigation; arbitration; enforcement and bankruptcy. Of course, we have responsible lawyers that work in each of the mentioned spheres.
Additionally, we would like to mention as to how exactly we are able to return your money back. Thus, we have plenty of different approaches while working on the case. It can be divided into two ways – negotiations with the debtor for solving the problem in an amicable way or we turn to enforced collection.
Choosing the first option we proceed with a preparation for the resolution. In this regard, we are doing preliminary research. Thus, we aimed at some important, useful or unusual information about the debtor. Any detail in our work is able to allow us to solve the problem within the shortest time. Our lawyers name this part as "looking for the black swans" according to Christopher Voss, one of the most successful negotiator in the world. It means that we pay special attention to it.
In the second way, our lawyers do the same thing, which is described above. Additionally, they search for the act of legislation and judicial precedents of New Zealand. We put this activity on the same level with the informational research. It is by virtue of the importance that will lead us to successful enforced collection.
What do you need to do if you want to order our services?
We would like to kindly inform you that you just need to fill in the corresponding form below. Thereafter, our manager will contact you within the shortest possible time. During discussing the necessary moments connected to our services, he additionally requests all the important information for resolution of the problem.
You may be confident that we will start doing our best right after receiving the mentioned information. Additionally, we have been working with the collection for years, have long-term practice and numerous satisfied key clients, which have already obtained their payments!
Please fill in the form below and our team will assist you in recovering receivables.
Serving Clients in NEW ZEALAND for more than two decades
analysis of trade documents in default
credit check of the debtor's company
strategy for peaceful settlement
drafting official demand letters
phone negotiations with debtor
personal negotiations with debtor
drafting restructuring plan
control of installment payment
portfolio analysis
control of payment terms
timely reminders
soft communication with clients
advisory regarding billing cycles
reminders via emails
receivables control
legal review of trade documents
translation of the documents
drafting a Power of Attorney
making a strategy of litigation
drafting and filing law-suit
application for assets seizure
participation in court hearings
obtaining judgment for client
legal review of arbitration clause
translation of necessary documents
drafting a Power of Attorney
making a strategy for arbitration
drafting and filing law-suit with IAC
application for assets seizure
participation in arbitration hearings
obtaining arbitral award for client
analysis of judgment or arbitral award
making a strategy of enforcement
drafting application for enforcement to local court
participation in court's hearings
obtaining writ of enforcement
filing the writ to Bailiff's Service
control of execution work
filing creditors claims
representing clients in creditors committee meetings
bankruptcy process monitoring
liquidators communication
regular reporting to client
assets recovery
No Recovery-No Fee.
Verifying Debtor's Address
Checking Debtors' Status in Database
Brief Report to Client
Case Strategy Design
Confirmation Receipt
Claims Automation System
Case Processing Starts Immediately
Our lawyers do their best to collect your credits
Get Proposal
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client
CLOSE the File
Whether Debtor Responds Positively (if yes)
Send In-house Demand Notice
Whether Disputes (if yes)
Get Proposal from Debtor
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client (if approved)
Suggest Court Case If Worth (if no)
Whether Responds Negatively (if no)
Convince for Amicable Settlement
Get Proposal
Forward for Client's Approval
Collect Payment to Client (if approved)
Whether Disputes (if no)
You always receive reports regarding our efforts in time
Current Status of Each Case
Collection Efforts Our Lawyers Have Already Done
What Should Be Done Further
Expected Outcome Or Suggestion
Just fill in the form and we will revert to you ASAP
PO Box 576, 6946 Wanneroo Western Australia AUSTRALIA